The Forerunner's Mission (Week 2)

Dec 10, 2023    Pastor Seth Drewry

What does it mean to be a forerunner for Jesus? How can we prepare the way for the Lord in our world today? In this sermon, Pastor Seth Drewry explores the mission and message of John the Baptist, the forerunner of Christ, as prophesied by Isaiah. He shows us how we can follow John’s example and be heralds of good news, comforters of God’s people, proclaimers of forgiveness, removers of obstacles, and testifiers of the eternal truth of God’s word. Join us for this inspiring message from our Christmas series, Christmas with Isaiah, and discover how you can be a part of God’s plan to reveal His glory to all flesh.

#TheForerunnersMission #PrepareTheWay #ComfortThePeople #ProclaimForgiveness #TestifyTheTruth #ItsAllAboutJesus #Advent2023 #Isaiah40 #John1