December 5, 2022

A voice cries: “In the wilderness prepare the way of the LORD; make straight in the desert a highway for our God. Every valley shall be lifted up, and every mountain and hill be made low; the uneven ground shall become level, and the rough places a plain. And the glory of the LORD shall be revealed, and all flesh shall see it together, for the mouth of the LORD has spoken.”
- Isaiah 40.3-5 -
- Isaiah 40.3-5 -
An often-overlooked part of the Christmas story is the birth of Jesus' cousin who later became known as John the Baptist. John was born to Mary's older cousin Elizabeth. His birth narrative is also a miraculous, Spirit-inspired story. In your own time, go back and read about it in Luke 1.
John was born and destined to become one of God's last prophets before the coming of the Messiah. And his life-assignment was to fulfill Isaiah 40.3-5, to be a voice crying out to the nation of Israel, "be prepared" for the coming of Messiah. For generations, the Hebrew prophets had been envisioning a day when God would send a Savior to ransom His people. But John's assignment was to announce that the day had finally arrived.
Amos 3:7 says, "The Sovereign LORD never does anything without revealing his plan to his servants, the prophets. " In other words, when God is about to do something in the hearts and lives of His people, he always sends a prophetic forerunner to prepare the way. He gives us plenty of opportunity to repent. He gives us plenty of warning before judgement comes. He gives us plenty of time to prepare our hearts for the move of His Spirit in our lives.
Here's something to reflect on today: What is God speaking to His people, His church, today? More specifically, what is God speaking to you personally? How can we prepare ourselves so that we are ready to receive the promises God has given us? What must we do to be ready for God to act in our lives?
John was born and destined to become one of God's last prophets before the coming of the Messiah. And his life-assignment was to fulfill Isaiah 40.3-5, to be a voice crying out to the nation of Israel, "be prepared" for the coming of Messiah. For generations, the Hebrew prophets had been envisioning a day when God would send a Savior to ransom His people. But John's assignment was to announce that the day had finally arrived.
Amos 3:7 says, "The Sovereign LORD never does anything without revealing his plan to his servants, the prophets. " In other words, when God is about to do something in the hearts and lives of His people, he always sends a prophetic forerunner to prepare the way. He gives us plenty of opportunity to repent. He gives us plenty of warning before judgement comes. He gives us plenty of time to prepare our hearts for the move of His Spirit in our lives.
Here's something to reflect on today: What is God speaking to His people, His church, today? More specifically, what is God speaking to you personally? How can we prepare ourselves so that we are ready to receive the promises God has given us? What must we do to be ready for God to act in our lives?
Posted in Advent
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